Life…Under Construction

Today, Life is Good

I know, I know, life is always good. And you would be right to say so. I believe this.

But this day–today–is especially good. On this day, I have both of our children in our home. Josh and Mel are down visiting from the beautiful state of Pennsylvania; and Jenni, who is my precious girl, is here as well. Well, actually, Jenni and the boys live with us, so she\’s always here with me. And a blessing to have, I tell you. She knows how to get it done. So it\’s going to be a great weekend.

For the last nine months or so, Jenni has been without a job. She had a part-time thing that ended and then just couldn\’t find anything else. She was also in school at the technical college and taking care of her three boys. Lots of responsibility for a single mom–the same that many other single moms do every day. The good news in her life these days is this–in December she completed her studies in Accounting and will receive her Associates degree at her graduation in May 2012. She is rightly proud of herself for having accomplished this goal.

Then, just last week, she spent a day filling out job applications online. She called and told me she had sent out 13 of them. And within an hour of doing so, she had a phone call and an interview set up with one of the companies the very next day! After her SECOND interview with this company, she came to my work very excited and told me how hopeful it all sounded.

Then the waiting. Two days passed with no phone call. At one time I suggested that she might call them to check on their progress. She didn\’t want to do that, and after a moment\’s reflection, I realized we just had to let this be God\’s timing for it to be right. \”When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul.\” (Psalm 94:18-20). So we waited some more; this time with a greater peace that God would handle it.

Yesterday, Friday the 13th, the call came, with the offer of a job. This is not a part-time job–this is a full fledged FULL-TIME, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, with BENEFITS job! We haven\’t stopped rejoicing.

God has taken care of us so faithfully. He is our Great Comforter and Provider. Blessed be His Name.

And even if this job had not worked out, the same is true about God even then. I may not always understand why we wait so long for things (humanly speaking), but I know that God will ultimately provide. His timing is perfect, perfect, perfect.

Have a good day, my friends.

(Oh, and about that 13th thing, I\’m not even close to superstitious. Folks would say that 13 is an unlucky number. Thirteen is just a number. For us, it was just a good old day!)






2 responses to “Today, Life is Good”

  1. Pat Avatar

    So awesomely rejoicing with you and your daughter. I know how much it means. It’s been a long hard road and those boys are mighty blessed to have such grandparents in their lives. May God bless this job for her and may He grant her favor for her future there. Lots to pray for isn’t there? We never stop being mom and grandmoms, huh? Hugs,Pat

  2. Claudette Avatar

    Thank you, Pat! Now I understand why Paul said, “pray without ceasing.” ! Have a great day.

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