Life…Under Construction

Tag: surrogacy

  • Standing in Through Surrogacy, Final Installment

    I was extremely interested to know how Cori handled the emotional aspects of carrying someone else\’s child and then giving that child away shortly after birth. Her answer, below. I think this is the most common question I get asked, and for me the answer is easy — the baby is not genetically related to…

  • Standing in Through Surrogacy, Part Two

    So, what are the nuts and bolts of surrogacy? What led Cori to take that big step from interest to action? She explains: James 2:14 says that faith without works is dead. I have always been a practical Christian; if I see a need, I will fill it if I can. To me, that is…

  • Standing in Through Surrogacy

    Several years ago, I met Cori on a Christian writers\’ website. She was pregnant at the time, and as I became better acquainted with her, I learned that she was actually carrying the baby for someone else. I had heard of surrogacy before, but not usually in a good light, so I was curious. I…