Life…Under Construction

Month: October 2013

  • Standing in Through Surrogacy, Final Installment

    I was extremely interested to know how Cori handled the emotional aspects of carrying someone else\’s child and then giving that child away shortly after birth. Her answer, below. I think this is the most common question I get asked, and for me the answer is easy — the baby is not genetically related to…

  • Standing in Through Surrogacy, Part Two

    So, what are the nuts and bolts of surrogacy? What led Cori to take that big step from interest to action? She explains: James 2:14 says that faith without works is dead. I have always been a practical Christian; if I see a need, I will fill it if I can. To me, that is…

  • Standing in Through Surrogacy

    Several years ago, I met Cori on a Christian writers\’ website. She was pregnant at the time, and as I became better acquainted with her, I learned that she was actually carrying the baby for someone else. I had heard of surrogacy before, but not usually in a good light, so I was curious. I…

  • Today\’s Promise

    When Christ told us to walk the straight and narrow, He didn’t promise that the way would be SMOOTH. The valleys, the rivers, the mountains are all there. We have to learn to climb out of the valleys, to climb over the mountains and to navigate the raging waters. Thank God for a very strong hand…