Life…Under Construction

Category: Diary entries

  • im 2 bz rite now?

    When God \”interrupts\” my life with a calling in another direction, how will I respond? I don\’t want to be a Jonah. I don\’t want to be swallowed by a big fish, and I don\’t want to be called out by God for caring more for a plant (or a tv show, or a computer…

  • Sick Day

    Woke up this morning with a mega headache, which made my stomach ache. Took the day off and slept most of the day away. What i would like is to be able to spend a day or two by myself in my house while I am feeling well. So much to do, but when one…

  • Peaceful Sigh

    As a young mother, I made up a song that I sang to my children as we rocked each night before bed. It was a simple little ditty, but one they seemed very much to enjoy. This morning, I was singing that very same ditty to my littlest grandson as he sat on my knee. All I…

  • I don\’t know where I

    I don\’t know where I fit anymore.

  • And So We Pray

    Jenn has been out of work for nearly a year now. With three boys to care for, this has been very difficult for her. And when you count \”deadbeat\” dads who don\’t support their children, or only throw a little money in the pot so they don\’t end up in jail, it just adds to…

  • Saturday

    Even though I started off the weekend feeling bad from a cold, I got a few things done today. Let\’s see…. I cleaned the kitchen, washed a couple loads of clothes, straightened the dining room and living room, cleaned out a closet. All the time feeling like I was functioning inside a barrel. Ugh.

  • January 1, 2012

    Good morning! Well, we made it safely through the night. I waited up for Jenni and the little boys to get home, and then we all turned in about 1:30am. It\’s going to be a beautiful day today. Heading out to worship in a while and then home to a nice, quiet afternoon. At some…

  • 2012

    The new year began with a time of fellowship and prayer with our church family. A sweet time. Driving back into our neighborhood, we were greeted with the sounds of gunfire. It\’s our area\’s version of fireworks. It scared our dog so bad he ran under the table and hid. The only way he would…

  • Out of The Mouths…

    This morning as we were preparing for church, Jenni was lying on the bed with Andre, and she had him all wrapped up in her arms. \”I love this little boy so much,\” she said. Without hesitation, Andre asked her, \”If you love me so much, why don\’t you come to church with me?\” Guess…

  • Can\’t Sleep

    I just can\’t sleep tonight. So much going on these days, you\’d think I\’d be exhausted. But what I do is start thinking about the next batch of things to get done and then I\’m awake. Other things, too. Things I\’ve told other family members not to dwell on and fret over, because the chances…