Life…Under Construction

Life Under Construction – Finding Peace

In my search for some peace of heart and mind during this life-altering time in history, I\’ve been reading through the Psalms, searching for a balm to cover my grief. I\’m not going to even try to explain how I feel about what is happening to our once beautiful and free country, because the proper words just won\’t form.

I know we each feel our own way about all that\’s happening and how we should respond–and I\’m not looking for platitudes or advice from folks–so I\’ll leave this alone and get to the real point of my thought for today–I am in a state of unrest, and the only answer I know to help me find calmness is to pray without ceasing and stick close to my Bible. As in other times of studying them, I find that the emotions of the Psalms speak to my heart like no other book in the Bible. It\’s like David snuck into my diary and read it.

And as God would have it, today\’s verse just happens to come from the Psalms, from one of the daily devotions I receive in my email each morning; and it\’s perfect!

Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge.  — Psalm 62:8

I love God\’s way of putting the same theme in His Word into the hearts of the many at the same time. It reminds me that I\’m not alone and that others are struggling with the same emotions as I, and that many of us need to hear the same reassurances from the Word. Cool.

I went to Psalm 62 to read the \”rest of the story,\” and here are a few other verses I found in this little gem:

\”My soul waits in silence for God  only; from Him is my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be greatly shaken\” (vss. 1,2).

\”My soul, wait in silence for God only, for my hope is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be moved\” (vss. 5,6).

And listen to this!–\”One thing God has spoken; these two things have I heard: that power belongs to God; AND lovingkindness is Yours, O Lord\” (vs. 11, 12a).

Well, there you go. God has all power, AND He loves me. That\’s just pretty wonderful.

What is your verse for this day? How has God spoken to you this morning?

Have a great day, dear friends. God IS in control; that elephant just needs to get up off my chest and move along.

Love you all.







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