Life…Under Construction

Thought for the Day

Maybe you had this idea that you were going to show the world how to raise the perfect family, have the perfect life, live a blissful Christian existence. Then real life got involved, and many of your dreams went south. Blow after blow knocked you in the teeth, leaving you reeling in shock that things didn\’t work out the way they \”should\” have because you are a Christian.

Maybe God had a different idea.

Maybe God\’s plan is to show the world how He raises HIS children to respond to the blows of life.

Want to be a witness to the goodness of God? Stand firm in your faith, NO MATTER WHAT. Life isn\’t \”fair,\” but God is ever present, no matter the storm. And the world needs to see that.






4 responses to “Thought for the Day”

  1. janewlawler Avatar

    But what blessing we receive when we stand strong in our faith during those times! When we stop and ask God what do you need me to learn from this. He never lets us walk thru anything that He hasn’t already prepared good to come out of it. It’s always for His glory and our good! We just have to be teachable! And we as believers always have an audience watching how we react to unexpected bumps in our road.

    1. Claudette Wood Avatar

      Exactly. The world is watching. What will they see? Will God be glorified?

  2. janewlawler Avatar

    Will we react as Jesus did? With kindness, grace, mercy yet never compromising His teachings. Hard thing for us to do in this world. Just have to keep our eyes and heart on the the end game. Heaven is our prize and so much better than anything we could plan for here! Sometimes that is all we can rest in. World can not and will never understand that kind of rest. That makes them curious when they see this. How can we possibly be at rest in a storm as you speak of in you thought of the day. There it is the door! God has just given us a chance to share the story of forgiveness, right in the middle of our storm. Thank you for your thought provoking note!

    1. Claudette Wood Avatar

      Thank you for your encouragement. Have a nice day.

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