Life…Under Construction

Women Will Also Enjoy Covenant of War by Cliff Graham

Covenant of War (Lion of War Series)

For any woman who thinks perhaps this set of stories might not interest her, I say don\’t listen to that voice! These books are completely satisfying for those women who wish to experience the Bible with fresh eyes and in vivid detail.

I read the first book in this series, Day of War, in two days and was captured by the story of Benaiah and the Mighty Men. Covenant of War took another two days. I was completely mesmerized and delighted in the effective way that Mr. Graham brought history to life in the telling.

Through the descriptions given and the story line, I SEE these guys–Uriah with his long braids and robes getting caught up in limbs as he runs toward the enemy; Benaiah, covered with scars from his battle with the lion, and always ready to fight and defend God\’s people; David\’s amber eyes and reddish hair and the reality of his struggles as a man who loves God and desires the blessings of God while struggling with his own humanity. And Eleazar–what a mighty warrior! If I were a guy, I\’d have been shouting the war cry right along with Eleazar as he went into battle during his last stand. Whoo! It just took my breath away.

I recommend this book to anyone–male or female–as it gives gritty, honest life to the lives of those we read about in the Bible. With help from this series–and I realize that it is a novel and not every aspect of the lives of these men is known to us–we get a glimpse of what life may have been like for men of war in the days of David.

Thank you, Mr. Graham, for this series. I am eager to read book three when it is released.





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